Monday, December 04, 2006


Hissy fit

I look all adorable here, yes I do. But take me out of my bed and put me down the basement at night and I'll hiss at you! It's a new thing I've started to get attention. Started when Dad just took me out of my bed for the heck of it (he's not a cat person at all) and I loudly voiced my opinion at being disturbed. So now mom is giving me treats to hush me up, though I know she'd like to give me a kick in the tail region. She even broke the lid of my snack jar last night trying to fish out a treat in the dark kitchen. Darn her, I liked that jar. She better fix that lid or find something that will work-make it work is more like it!

wow, we fink that they should learn to not move you out of your bed!
We wish you could come live with us but you are far away. You need to be in a house where you are 'preciated.
They gots to just deal with it!

WAcKy WedNeSDay is back!
Yes, you do look adorable! what a great picture!
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