Monday, October 30, 2006


Lion's den

Don't I look comfy on that faux fur throw? My mom mom stayed over last week for a few days and slept on this poufy thing that had to be filled up with a mini 'whiz whiz'. Got that? It's like ma's bed but it was on the floor and as you can see I could get on it very easily. Mom mom wanted me to sleep with her the first night she was there. Ma walked by and I was all stretched out and had that 'don't touch me' look in the eye. She agreed. And as she thought, about 5 am I came back to the high up bed, jumped up and woke her up! HA HA! So that was the first and last time I've been out of the basement for a while. Ma hates to do it, but she is a light sleeper and can't have me walking on her all night.

Happy Moew-lo-ween! You look furry comfy!
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