Sunday, March 05, 2006


Ain't no cabinet high enough!

I conquered the summit (well almost-there was still food on the top shelf). I am up 5.5 feet off the floor. I am truly amazing!!

I tried to climb the empty cabinet over the stove, but managed to turn a knob and a burner was turned on. This was not cool to mom. Better stick closer to the floor in the 'extra cool' deep cabinet under the oven.

I heard I will be vanquished to the basement when these old cabinets get taken down. Oh joy!

Nothing better than finding a great perch. That looks like a nice one! You can supervise the humans froom there!
So when they get new cabinets at your house, will you ask for a shelf of your own like you have in the picture?
You are a furry talented climber, Cosmo. I don't really climb on stuff much myself, being so heavy - jumping on the bed is about my limit!
Order your beans to keep one of the old cabinets just for you. Like a cat tower mounted on the wall. I would insist on keeping an eye on any work going on in the kitchen, too. I'm a guard cat and if I don't like someone, I let him know.
Oh man, I would love to get in a cabinet like that... I think it would get me yelled at, though...
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