Monday, January 02, 2006


Kitty diet

Happy New Year all you tender hearted kitty lovers!
Man, it's been interesting here. Both Dad and Sean have been home here for over a week. Now I have three humans to stare down when they eat. Mom says I break her heart when I do this as I look so interested and hungry. I really love butter. Mom's been eating it a lot in the morning on her toast and pancakes. She usually gives me a little. Last night the best smell was coming out of the kitchen. Mom was baking salmon! I got some little pieces of that too. Earlier in the day I had had some Munchos and the night before potato chips.
I need to watch what I eat as I don't want to look like a bowling ball from the back. I think my humans better cut back too!

We don't even try to stare them down - we just go over & take what we want. But you're right, we need to watch our weight. A bite here, a bite there and before you know it, your V.E.T. is telling your Mom to put you on a diet!
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